Do Not Hospitalize (DNI) Order


A Do Not Hospitalize (DNH) Order is a medical order that instructs healthcare providers not to transfer a patient to a hospital for treatment, even if their condition worsens. This order is typically used for individuals in long-term care facilities or receiving end-of-life care at home who prefer to avoid hospital-based interventions.

A DNH order does not mean the patient will receive no care. Instead, it indicates that care will be provided in their current setting, focusing on comfort and symptom management rather than curative treatments that would require hospitalization.

DNH orders are often part of a broader advance care planning process and may be used in conjunction with other directives such as Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) or Do Not Intubate (DNI) orders.

The decision to create a DNH order usually results from discussions between the patient (or their Medical Power of Attorney), their healthcare provider, and often their family members. This order can be modified or revoked at any time by the patient if they are mentally competent or by their Medical Power of Attorney.

A DNH order may be included in an Advance Directive or a POLST form, depending on the specific healthcare system and jurisdiction.

As with all medical orders, the exact implementation of DNH orders can vary between healthcare systems or jurisdictions. Always consult with healthcare providers or legal professionals for specific guidance in your situation.

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